If you’re like most fitness enthusiasts then your perfect body has eluded you for quite some time. It’s not that you aren’t trying to workout and eat right, it’s just that you haven’t been able to find that one thing to take you all the way to success.
Now, my friend, you’re about to find out what that one thing is, and your fitness results will never be lacking again. It’s quite simple, and yet stands as the truest and most important fitness advice you’ll ever receive…
The big secret is that…Your daily habits create your body.
What do I mean by daily habits? The things that you consistently do on a daily basis determine your body’s shape, strength and stamina.
That’s it. Nothing else matters as much as those daily habits.
The problem is that most of us have bursts of fitness motivation, when we eat clean and workout hard for a short time…but then the motivation wears off and we go back to our daily habits. That familiar routine that gives us comfort and security.
Your only focus, when it comes to shaping up your body, should be to make and keep a handful of healthy, daily habits. When these healthy habits become your comfortable routine, then you’ve hit fitness gold.
This is great news for two reasons:
And so today take a few moments to determine which healthy, daily habits you will begin to include in your daily life, and continue to prompt yourself to do these until it becomes automatic and comfortable. While each and every one of you have unique situations and abilities, here is a general list of ideas of healthy daily habits to get you started…
The correct amount of cardio focusing on fat loss
The correct amount of FIRE - focused intense resistance exercise
The correct amount of water
The correct amount of sleep
The correct timing for meals
The correct amount of nutritious delicious food
Go on, get working on your own personal list of daily fitness habits. Make these realistic actions that you could fit into your daily life, and watch as your body effortlessly transforms over the next several weeks.
Quick note for you overachievers: resist the urge to commit to difficult or extreme daily habits. You aren’t having one of your fitness bursts right now, that fizzle out shortly – these habits are meant for the long run. So instead of saying that you’ll run 6 miles each day, only commit to 2 miles. Do those 2 miles ever day for a few months and you’ll see the value and truly life-changing powers of a daily habit.
Call or email me now and I’ll help you with your personalized list of daily habits. Of course one of those habits will be to workout with me each day! Talk about a life changing habit :)