


Wow what a week. When you get to the end they seem to have gone so fast but when you are in the middle and focusing on everything that you need to do some days seem to never end.

I have had a lovely week, listed houses, sold houses, trained my clients at the gym, connected with my MP Challenge clients, spent time with family, spent time catching up my hubby’s bookwork for his business, spent a couple of hours in the garden, did my own gym workouts and also fitted in a lovely 6 kilometre river walk in with my daughter, food has been awesome and delicious and has been on track all week.

This week I decided to be a little more calorie aware as I checked where my calories should be sitting just to get an idea of how many I was eating. Did I tell you I love my food J. Normally with my clients I am trying to get them to eat more, with myself I really need to be a lot more cautious of how many I am eating – all my meals have been metabolically precise but instead of my daily calorie requirement I have actually been eating 600 calories more than is recommended for my height and weight. If you are new and reading this please note you do not have to count calories. For me I have a number of 12 week programs behind me and I just need to be a little more aware of what I am eating.

I find it easy to maintain within a couple of kilos of my normal weight eating all this food so it has never really been a problem maintaining at this level as all the food is fresh and MP precise. I have noticed a change in my body fat composition of late and I am just like you and I have certainly become a little complacent eg adding a little bit more dark chocolate here and there and adding a few more nuts etc. It has made me realise that the food that you eat has a big effect on how the calories are stored on your body. Although I am still maintaining the same weight I have started to notice a change in body fat composition – those wobbly bits in all the wrong places. For me that is a big “Why” to get a little bit more focused on the types of food I am eating.

So have an awesome week and just try and eat fresh food, lots of colour, drink lots of water, get in your exercise – remember it will take up less than 4% of your week, keep smiling and I look forward to popping back next week. Just focus on continually trying to be a little bit better than you were yesterday, this is your journey.

Keep an eye out through the week and I will load some of my recipes.

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Begin Believe Become

A selfie before work this morning :)

MP Ice cream - my favourite meal this week

Workout Exercise

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