
Exercise Can Be Part Of Your Favorite Things To Do

We all have a list of our favorite things. It may not be written down anywhere, but you know the things that make you happy.

The list holds your favorite foods, music, TV shows, movies and even people in your life that you can't get enough of. This is the stuff that you really enjoy. It's the stuff that makes your life worth living.

Somewhere on the list is your health and appearance. You know that looking and feeling great make a good life even better.

The interesting thing about your list is that without fail you'll always make time for it.

  • When your TV show airs, you watch it or record it to watch later.
  • When your favorite actor stars in a new movie, you do your part by going to the theatre.
  • When you're hungry, you turn to your favorite foods.
  • When the weekend rolls around, you do everything you can to spend time with the special people in your life.

Yet when it comes to exercise you automatically say, "I don't have time."

Time for TV, but no time for exercise...

We live in an age where life is full. You don't have extra time anymore.

You no longer have time. You make time.

  • You make time for your TV show.
  • You make time for your hobby.
  • You make time for your friends.

It's time to drop the charade of "I don't have time to exercise" and call it what it really is. An excuse.

You know how to make time for your favorite things. You know you want good health. You know you want to look great. You know you want more energy.

Exercise delivers all those benefits - and more.

I believe that exercise belongs on your list of favorite things.

Make It A Favorite: How do you turn something that you've dreaded into something that you enjoy?

1. Block the Negative: Your thoughts play a big part in determining your favorite things. Block out any negative thoughts you may have about exercise. Focus your energy on creating a positive attitude that will get you excited about hitting the gym, rather than dreading it.

2. Focus on the Benefits: With exercise you have so much to gain and nothing to lose. Exercise makes you stronger, sexier, happier, and gives you more energy. Pick the benefit that moves you the most and fixate on it.

3. Get Guidance: The easiest way to put exercise on your list of favorite things is to experience it at its best. Get onboard with one of my exercise programs and I'll show you the most effective and enjoyable techniques that will get you into the best shape of your life.

Inspiration Exercise

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