


I am about to start my own personal challenge.

I have completed 6 x 12 week MP Challenge blocks and just love this lifestyle. I was never really overweight but definitely needed to add some muscle and lose some body fat. Over the past two years I have thoroughly enjoyed living this MP lifestyle. You get to eat lots of delicious food, exercise 3% or less of your time each week and on top of this I have lots of energy, I feel amazing and I am personally really happy with how I look.

Because I know my body so well I have been able to be a little bit naughty and still maintain my weight while only being 80% MP compliant – it gets easier and your metabolism gets more efficient with each 12 week block that you complete.

After being introduced to MP in the early stages two years ago I loved it so much I decided to study and become an MP Trainer. This year I am up to Level 4 and have been studying Level 4 with some of the best trainers in the world. I have always believed that to grow you need to hang around people that are much better than yourself – you know what they say “you become the average of the 5 closest people you associate yourself with”. I love learning and being part of the awesome group of trainers and then coming home and passing on all the info to my MP Challenge and Fire clients.

While doing our Kinesiology study weekend in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago our CEO, Dr Paul Cribb, suggested we all set some new individual goals and complete our own 12 week challenge. We have some PT’s working towards World Titles in bodybuilding, others doing Novice bodybuilding comps, some losing baby weight gain, others just getting rid of a couple of winter kilos etc. Everyone has different goals and everyone achieves their goals at different rates – the only person I am competing with is myself – to be better than I was last week.

My goal is to maintain where I am, stay young :) and healthy and lose body fat % (I will be tracking this with a Dexa Scan) without losing too much weight if any at all, to sleep a minimum of 7 hours per night, doing 3 sessions of FIRE and doing as little ICE as possible (actually I am not fond of cardio and do anything to get out of it :) so my goal will be to push myself out of my comfort zone and add two sessions of cardio further down the track each week for this challenge).

I plan to document my challenges, wins, some of my food, what is happening in my life in general and use my audience here to keep me accountable for the next 12 weeks. I plan to be 90 - 100% MP compliant. Although I eat MP compliant all the time (protein, carb and fats in every meal), after analysing my food intake I am eating larger portion sizes than I need for my protein intake and instead of the occasional piece of dark chocolate it sometimes has turned into 3 squares a night instead of the occasional taste. I am so glad though to be MP compliant I can still have the occasional square of dark chocolate and the occasional glass of red wine.

My challenge officially starts on 1st Octobr and I will report in hopefully at the end of each week with an update.

If you would like to follow my journey I will place a link on my facebook page at each week so you can follow my 12 week challenge.

And if you would like to send me your email (send to: I will put you into my newsletter database or you can go to the bottom of my homepage on my website and subscribe to my newsletter and I will make sure my blog is sent to you after each update.

For more info on our next challenge - commencing 12th January 2015 - click on the link to my website and click on services for all the details. Also please feel free to phone me anytime on 0427 465 543.

Regards Kim

M: 0427 465 543

Begin Believe Become

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