
Kim's weekly challenge - End of Week one


Wow the end of week one already – I love the excitement of all the challengers either starting their journey or continuing on their life long journey. I personally find out new things about myself every day travelling this amazing MP journey and I love reading the lovely stories and the “a ha” moments when someone gets it.

As I always eat metabolically precise, protein, carbs and my flaxseed oil with every meal, this week I just decided that the only thing I would change is to make sure I got 7 hours sleep.

Did I achieve this? – YES. The first night I was tucked up in bed at 10:30 and up at 5:30 the next day and I felt great. Life and work took over on all the other nights and I didn’t make it to bed until midnight. But I had a plan for the week and I was going to stick to it so I slept in each day until 7:00am. Goal achieved.

To be honest I felt like half the day had gone and was really a little stressed because I had lost approximately 2 hour from my mornings. it is amazing how much you can get done in those couple of hours before 7:00am - Exercise, housework, paperwork, face book J, goal setting, sit down quite time eating an MP breakfast, gardening and really just taking time to smell the roses before my busy day starts.

My lesson from this week is that the sleep that you get between 10pm and 12pm is much better for you and I certainly felt much fresher and full of energy when I went to bed at 10:30pm and was up at 5:30am.

My goal for this week is to get to bed by 11:00pm at the latest and rise at 5:30am – personally I think I function better with these hours making it 6 ½ hours of sleep, we will see how I go for week 2.

Remember don’t try and change everything at once – slow little adjustments each week to get where you want to get to and before you know it you will be a lot further along in your journey without realising how far you have travelled, I love it.

Just remember commitment to a goal, even the little tiny 1%ers go a long way to achieving your long term goals – when you have focused staying power you can become unstoppable.

That brings me to my “WHY”. We all need a “WHY” as to why we want to achieve our goals. To be honest I have been finding it hard to pin point what my next “WHY’ is going to be. As we grow we evolve and our “WHY” also needs to change and grow.

I personally have dabbled in health and fitness since my early 20’s, absolutely loved going to the gym but really just dabbled – if only I knew then what I know now.

When I was 43 I was diagnosed with Cancer and went through operations, chemo, radiotherapy, medications, no hair etc etc. My “WHY” from that point was to just live a healthy life and to learn as much as I could to stay young and healthy. I think I have mastered the healthy part but the young bit is getting away on me. J

I was appalled at the lack of nutrition and diet information for patients going through any sort of illness. I pulled the system apart tying to get someone to sit down with me to talk to me about by health going forward and more importantly how to incorporate a healthier diet into my already healthy lifestyle. I eventually saw about 4 people who kept referring me onto the next person and ended up with a lovely lady who was a dietician through the hospital system and she told me that my diet was awesome and that I just needed to keep doing what I was doing. My big “WHY” from this point onwards was to educate myself as much as I could and to not only help myself but to help other people become healthy not only the sick but the normal average person who was struggling and just needed help. I really care about people and just love helping them achieve their health and fitness goals. This definitely is not a job for me it is a passion and in 2003 I started my on-line business

I found the more I contributed and shared with other people the more I got back in every area of my life.

I was blown away when I came across MP because it put everything I had learned over the years into a very easy systemised process that was easy to teach, easy to incorporate into any lifestyle and gave you awesome results and more importantly focused not only on how you looked but how you felt and how you functioned.

I found that all you had to do to get rapid results was to stick to the MP formula and in the process you got to eat lots of healthy real delicious food and you only had to exercise for less than 4% of your entire week. For someone like me who is a part owner in a very busy real estate business with 22 staff, helps my hubby with his book work for his sandblasting business and helping my on-line challengers, training clients at night and on weekends I was hooked. Not only was this great for someone like me who is always busy but very very easy for the everyday person, young or old, fit or unfit, it didn’t matter it could easily fit into anyone’s lifestyle.

By following the MP system the results just speak for themselves. I personally have been through about 5 MP twelve week blocks (MP is a lifestyle for me) and I find it really easy to maintain my current weight while having a few indulgences along the way. I can afford to be only 80% compliant and stay where I am – how I look, feel and function are all in alignment. This does not mean I go and eat cake every day but occasionally I may miss a meal and only have five or I may have a double serving of protein or I may miss a cardio session or I may add another MP meal and that occasional square of 85 -90% dark chocolate can be a little too frequentJ.

It is great to have each MP challenge in groups of 12 weeks because for most people you can see an end date, it is very achievable for most people and because it is a short time frame and is easy and it brings urgency to the table. Growth is a funny thing. You need to decide that is what you want, then pursuit with all the energy you have got to achieve your own personal goal as we all know nothing changes if nothing changes and also you get the opportunity to win some serious cash in the process.

“We know what we know but do we do what we know”. I love this quote you can relate this to any area of your life, business, personal, health etc.

The secret is to keep smiling, listen to your body, know when to slip into 7th gear and also know when to pull back, life is a funny thing and there will always be challenges, there will be good and bad weeks but just take it slowly and do not stop until you have YOUR desired result. Remember this is a journey and no-one is perfect, no-one.

For me my desired result and my ‘WHY’ at the moment is to just stay healthy, stay cancer free and to help as many people as I can achieve their own personal health and fitness goals.

This is only the beginning of week two and my goals may evolve and change as I go through this 12 week challenge but today I am not putting any pressure on myself, I am just living the life that I want to live.

It is about the tiny little decisions we make every day in every moment that will get you the results you have been dreaming about.

If you would like to join in the fun our next MP Challenge and ICE sessions begin on 12th January 2015. Don’t miss out on the Discount Rate. Sign up now and don’t pay your first payment until 12th January 2015. Make your New Year’s Resolution now. Click on the link and then click on SERVICES – ICE Challenge and MP Challenge.

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